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City of Washington Received Waste Tire Grant


The City of Washington is pleased to announce that we were selected as a recipient of the 2023 KDHE Waste Tire Grant.  The grant program totaled $529,600.88 and funds were awarded to 51 local municipalities and public and private schools K-12 across the state to fund projects that include the use of recycled tire products, including playground surfacing and picnic tables. The grants are funded by revenue collected through the tire excise tax, a $0.25/vehicle tire fee, and require a 50% cash match. 

The City of Washington used the grant funds of $2,887.00 to purchase and install two new picnic tables and two new benches at the swimming pool, and two new picnic tables at the City campground.

The City of Washington is proud to participate in the KDHE Keep It Clean Kansas program!